Pulling a desireable Future to the Present – an interview with Edgardo Regatky

“We applied backcasting to define a desirable future and then identified measures to pull and connect this specified future to the present. Ideating such disruptive solutions with various people and across sectors has led to discovering the internal and external potentials of the involved organizations, and combining these for scalable impact,” says Edgardo Regatky, Pentagrowth consultant and speaker on topics of digital transformation, collaborative economy and Smart Cities.

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The Bristol Approach for Citizen Engagement in the Energy Market – an interview

“In the Bristol pilot of TwinERGY, we have an objective of involving participants who are typically underrepresented in innovative energy projects. The pilot seeks to involve people who experience fuel poverty and those most impacted by oppressive systems based on disability, classism, racism, gender bias and ableism – and as a result of this are often underrepresented in energy research,” says Lorraine Hudson as we speak with her, Anna Higueras and Lucia Errandonea about their transformative and collaborative project TwinERGY.

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Creating a Taxonomy for Citizen-Generated Data initiatives – an interview with Giovanni Maccani

„The intention of this upcoming project is for Catalonia to be the focal point of a comprehensive data ecosystem, strengthening the balance between demand-pulled and supply-pushed mechanisms. We are starting to think meaningfully from the demand side of this ecosystem, as opposed to a supply-pushed perspective, which in my experience has been predominant in this field to date,“ says Giovanni Maccani, Senior Researcher at Ideas for Change.

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TwinERGY enables citizens at the heart of the energy market – an interview

“Citizen participation and community co-ownership schemes play an increasingly societal role by fostering citizens’ participation in energy matters and raising acceptance of renewable energy. They can bring tremendous benefits for citizens and communities by placing them closer to the energy transition and fulfilling Europe’s decarbonisation goals,” says Dr. Athanasios Chassiakos as we speak with him, Dr. Stylianos Karatzas and Vasiliki Lazari about their transformative project TwinERGY.

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Ideas for Change & Public Good – an interview with Anna Higueras and Javier Creus

“Transparency in the allocation and distribution of resources, an active and informed society that has the capacity to transform public policies and add value to urgent decisions that affect them, as well as public management models that learn to integrate and replicate positive changes in a flexible and fast way, would be good starting points to approach regenerative & just societies,” says Anna Higueras as we speak about the DLT4EU accelerator programme together with Javier Creus.

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