Recirculado promotes the Circular Economy, produces Clean Energy and strengthens Social Justice

“Recirculado focuses on both environmental and social sustainability. We cannot claim to be sustainable if there are still vulnerable groups in society. Recirculado’s mission is to implement a waste management system that is efficient, sustainable, inclusive, fair and, above all, circular,” details Karine Steinvorth Rojas, founder of Recirculado.

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BIO27 Super Vernaculars – Design for a Regenerative Future

“Our Sci aims to equip small farmers with the analytical tools and scientific understanding that are used by big agriculture corporations, but are prohibitively expensive for individuals. The affordable Reflectometer as a tool can empower individuals and communities to better understand their land, how different farming practices can affect it and can give them the knowledge to advocate for themselves at a regional or policy level,” says Ria Hawthorn, Assistant Curator of the 27th Ljubljana Biennial of Design, in our interview.

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Valuing the Cobenefits of Carbon Farming

“At CarboFarm, we want to deliver token economics in such a way that there will be an incentive for the farmer aside from certificates. At CarboFarm, we value the cobenefits of carbon farming. SoilStack is a very good starting point in that it helps us bridge the information gap between companies, which is needed in order to say to a soil sampler ‘Please, do that field on this day. These are the sampling points, and please be very precise by following the SoilStack procedure.’ This is a deciding factor for us to get accurate measurements that we can rely on,” details Stefan Fölser, cofounder of CarboFarm in our interview.

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The Complementary Currency of Monteverde, Costa Rica

“Verdes is a complementary currency that was proposed during the first months of the pandemic, when tourism in Monteverde vanished and most of the families in the area were left without work. This led the community to think of solutions and as a result this currency was created, which allows people to activate bartering and provide for their basic needs,” details Mariana Zumbado Solano in her article.

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