“SurveyStack has now become this amazing, deeply thought Open Source framework for interoperable data. Through SurveyStack we are able to say with confidence ‘Yes, those quote unquote regenerative practices do connect with increased soil carbon as well as do connect with nutrient levels in food being increased’,” says Dan Kittredge, Founder and Executive Director of the Bionutrient Food Association.
Tag: health
Plant Protein Extractor – an Open Source High Impact Solution
“The Plant Protein Extractor device when fully developed will make it possible to produce edible food from leaves, which humans can not consume directly. My hope is that with this device we will not only be able to make humanity more resilient in the face of food supply catastrophes, but also provide a means to provide low-cost nutritional food to help mitigate the current challenges of hunger and malnutrition,” says Joshua Pearce in our joint interview with Tiberius Brastaviceanu.
New Work ideas for Health Systems – an interview with Helene von Bremen
“Our vision is a wholesome health system, a medicine in which employees work in healthy working conditions through meaningfulness, holism and personal responsibility. This is essential for being able to put patients in the centre of attention in a genuine way. This is what we are working on and we want to think outside the box together in order to learn from inspiring institutions and good practice from different areas of life,” says Helene von Bremen in our interview about their congress New Work Medizin.