TwinERGY enables citizens at the heart of the energy market – an interview

“Citizen participation and community co-ownership schemes play an increasingly societal role by fostering citizens’ participation in energy matters and raising acceptance of renewable energy. They can bring tremendous benefits for citizens and communities by placing them closer to the energy transition and fulfilling Europe’s decarbonisation goals,” says Dr. Athanasios Chassiakos as we speak with him, Dr. Stylianos Karatzas and Vasiliki Lazari about their transformative project TwinERGY.

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Reshaping humanitarian aid accountability – an interview with Areti Kampyli

“Through its DLT4EU journey and its latest Innovate UK grant, Alice is expanding into a decentralised data analytics and visualisation platform for the impact sector. As such, Alice creates a decentralised data ecosystem that fosters a responsible data economy and delivers sustainable societal development and value,” says Areti Kampyli of as we speak about their project collaboration in the DLT4EU accelerator programme.

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The New Metric for Local Energy – Overcoming Governance Barriers – an interview with Maarja Meitern and Rolf Bastiaanssen

“The Local Levelised Costs of Energy is a new metric to help communities determine if the local sustainable energy system is a financially viable alternative to the cost of current centralised energy generation, compare long-term costs between approaches as well as demonstrate the value of smart grids,” say Maarja Meitern and Rolf Bastiaanssen as they highlight the relevance of such a new comparative basis in support of the equitable development of sustainable energy systems.

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