“During the hack weekend, my team and I worked on the implementation of a sustainability score to evaluate the sustainability of most of the commerce products. ,” says Karolina Gorna as we speak about her teamwork with Arnav Khanna and Anshu Kumar Jain in the Consumer Disclosure Working Group at the Open Climate Collabathon.
Tag: sharing economy
Present Progressive With Future Meaning – a conversation with Jennifer Greyson
“True disruption will come when we can disrupt the ego”, says Jennifer Greyson – one of the most vibrant, critical and inspiring minds IMPOV when it comes to profound arguing about the attitudes, potentials and pitfalls in the realm of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain & Crypto.
Going Full Circle – a conversation with Ann-Marie Zachrisson
“I think we need to be more transparent, curios and more accepting about what we can do, what we can contribute to, and what we can learn from someone else”, says Ann-Marie Zachrisson, who works in development and research at RISE – Research Institute of Sweden, where she focuses on bio based materials, mostly wood as raw material.