Accelerating Development of Transparent Finance for Climate Action – an interview with Dr. Nikola Markovic

“Acren will for the first time enable implementation of citizen-funded agro-environmental projects in a fully transparent and unambiguous way. It opens up the possibility for citizens to clearly and securely track the positive effect that each project has on the environment, and the ability to attribute the direct positive impact – such as CO2 saved, reduced pesticides – to their participation,” says Dr. Nikola Markovic, Cofounder of Social Impact Network.

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The Future of Impact Investing, the DeFi way – an interview with Nadja Bester

“Social Impact Network has identified a way to inject liquidity into Least Developed Countries by creating a new breed of impact investors. Social Impact Network leverages the rapid growth of Decentralized Finance (DeFi), a market valued at $100B. By using blockchain, the ecosystem addresses many of the challenges faced by the traditional impact investing sector, which over time will serve to introduce DeFi to a whole new cohort of investors,” says Nadja Bester who heads up marketing and communications at Social Impact Network.

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Plant Protein Extractor – an Open Source High Impact Solution

“The Plant Protein Extractor device when fully developed will make it possible to produce edible food from leaves, which humans can not consume directly. My hope is that with this device we will not only be able to make humanity more resilient in the face of food supply catastrophes, but also provide a means to provide low-cost nutritional food to help mitigate the current challenges of hunger and malnutrition,” says Joshua Pearce in our joint interview with Tiberius Brastaviceanu.

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