Plant Protein Extractor – an Open Source High Impact Solution

“The Plant Protein Extractor device when fully developed will make it possible to produce edible food from leaves, which humans can not consume directly. My hope is that with this device we will not only be able to make humanity more resilient in the face of food supply catastrophes, but also provide a means to provide low-cost nutritional food to help mitigate the current challenges of hunger and malnutrition,” says Joshua Pearce in our joint interview with Tiberius Brastaviceanu.

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Reshaping humanitarian aid accountability – an interview with Areti Kampyli

“Through its DLT4EU journey and its latest Innovate UK grant, Alice is expanding into a decentralised data analytics and visualisation platform for the impact sector. As such, Alice creates a decentralised data ecosystem that fosters a responsible data economy and delivers sustainable societal development and value,” says Areti Kampyli of as we speak about their project collaboration in the DLT4EU accelerator programme.

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Creating Nodes to Evolve a Planetary Mindset – an interview with Prof. Dr. habil. Christine Vallaster and Mag.a Cornelia Huis

“We believe in the idea of common goods, and an open source integral carbon accounting system would definitely be one. The fact, that it should be the outcome of an Open Innovation process makes it even more exciting,” says Mag.a Cornelia Huis, who engages as researcher in the Department of Marketing & Relationship Management at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences.

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Enhance Collective Intelligence – an interview with Tiberius Brastaviceanu

“Cultivating collective intelligence means establishing an inclusive culture, allowing and even encouraging participation, implementing methods for collaboration that maximize the exchange of ideas and the selection of good ideas,” says Tiberius Brastaviceanu, co-founder and active affiliate at Sensorica, a stigmergic environment for synergistic open innovation.

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